After losing our son, there were a few things that brought me comfort. But time after time, God’s Word was the only constant reminder that this pain is temporary, and that it can’t even compare to the glory we’re going to experience one day (Romans 8:18). Comfort apart from scripture may temporarily uplift a grieving heart. But true comfort is found in truth alone.
If you haven’t read Kaleb’s story, you can read it here.
Losing a child
If you’ve lost a child, you know the pain is too much to bear on your own. You know that without the hope of Heaven, there is no true comfort to be found. I’ve been saturating my mind with truths that point to where our babies are. And after looking through the scriptures, it’s so clear to me – our sweet babies are in the arms of Jesus.

Why does God allow this?
Do you ever wonder why God allows us to live in a world full of so much pain, so much hurt and so much evil? This thought crossed my mind a lot after losing our son. Why would God allow this kind of pain for His children? I wonder why He didn’t just create us to live with Him from the get go. Why do we have to suffer the consequences of a fallen world?
And then I remembered that He is God and I am not. I will not understand the ways of the Lord because I am limited. My finite mind was not made to understand all that the Lord does. I needed a change in perspective. When you’re in the midst of grief, it’s hard to see a way out of it. And to be honest, I don’t think we’ll fully stop grieving until we meet Jesus face to face. But the change of perspective came when I shifted my focus from me to my son.
The truths found in Scripture
John MacArthur states, “Children experience a better life after their deaths than they would if they were allowed to mature to adulthood on this earth. The life they experience with Him in eternity so far surpasses any good they may have experienced on this earth that there truly is no comparison.”
Tears started flowing when I read this. It was the first time I had truly appreciated God’s plan for Kaleb’s life. As much as I miss him, I know that the best place for Him is in Heaven. So once my focus shifted from my loss to Kaleb’s gain, the comfort of the Lord overwhelmed me.

The sweetness of the Lord is that even in our finite minds and limited understanding, He makes it clear in His Word that our babies are with Him. John MacArthur calls it “instant Heaven.” There was no in between for them. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, our babies instantly have access to the gates of Heaven.
In John MacArthur’s book, “Safe in the arms of God,” he shares many scriptures to support the fact that our little ones are with the Lord. Here are a few:
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.”
Mark 10:14
“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.”
Matthew 18:3-5
“Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 18:10

Living in the in between
There are so many verses that talk about how God regards children. It is a comfort to me to know that without a shadow of a doubt, our son is in the arms of Jesus. And so is your baby. I am so thankful for the truth found in the scriptures. Although we can’t get our children back this side of Heaven, there is so much comfort found in knowing where they are. And not just that, but the fact that we will see them again. I’m overwhelmed by the hope the Father gives us.
While I ache without my son, I rest knowing where he is. While I continue to experience the pain of loss and long for the day when all is made right, I’m reminded that Heaven is what’s best for him. All of our days our numbered by the Lord. And while I don’t know why Kaleb’s life was only 32 hours long, I know that every life has purpose – no matter how long it is.

What seems like the worst thing for me, was the best thing for my son. I’m heartbroken and so grateful all at the same time. I long for my boy, but I would never take him from where he is now.
I’ve been reminded lately that life will always be hard, and God will always be good. I am trying to focus on God’s goodness, rather than the hardships of this life. Because God truly is so, so good.
Thanks so much for being here,

Beautiful Jenny! Thanks for sharing. Thanks for reminding us how good God is even when we are hurting. Prayers & Love,
Lisa Lawson