Do you need some fun family activities to get you through the end of Winter? In this post I’ll share five of our favorite things to do as a family when it’s too cold to play outside.
I am longing for warmer temps over here. While I’m itching to go swimming and camping, I’m also trying to come up with whatever family activities I can to keep thing fun until then.
On the really cold and rainy days, I find it so easy to deem it a movie day and snuggle up by the fire. Which we totally do at times. But I wanted to try to get away from the screens for a bit and dive into some fun family activities to get us through the end of winter.
My friend, Elizabeth from Household Theology, also wrote a very helpful post on this topic. Check her post out here: Three Screen Free Activities To Get You Through The Last Weeks Of Winter
Benefits of screen free time
Before we dive into this part, know that my kids do watch TV, so there is no judgement. BUT, I have found that when we limit their screen time or cut it out completely, I notice drastic differences in their behavior. Here are a few benefits I have seen in my kids when limiting screens:
- They are more creative. It’s amazing what happens when you allow your kids to be bored. I used to think I needed to constantly entertain my kids, but I’ve realized it’s just the opposite. Their imaginations come alive when all they have to do is play. It’s so fun to watch and see what they will come up with.
- They get along better. It may not be noticeable at first, but when we go a few days completely without screens, I can see a drastic difference in the way they treat each other. Because they are interacting more, they are learning more about how to get along. It’s not always perfect, they definitely still bicker – but it is drastically less than when they are filling their days with screens.
- More active physically. Kids are generally very high energy, and sitting them in front of a screen takes away the ability to exert energy. Put a kid full of energy in front of a screen and nothing physical to do, and it may lead to some behavior issues. They have to get that energy out. Taking away the option to sit and watch a screen leads to more physical activity. The only time my kids sit still is if they are watching a show or creating art of some kind – other than that they are everywhere!
- They are more likely to help. Think about this from an adult’s perspective. When we looking down at our phone, we are less likely to jump in when someone needs help. Even if they are just asking for attention, I can tend to make them wait because at that moment in time my phone is the priority. When kids have a screen in front of them, they are not aware of what’s happening around them. Take the screen away, and they may be more likely to see the needs around them. If I am doing housework and my kids don’t have much to do, they will sometimes offer to help because they are more aware. They want to be involved! We just have to give them the chance.
- They have better attitudes. My kids are happiest when they are using their imaginations – whether that be building something, drawing, or creating some kind of art. They are always in better moods when they are using their hands or physically exerting energy. If my kids are having a hard time, I can usually trace it back to too much screen time.
Now, let’s move on to how to keep our kids off the screens!
Five fun family activities to get through the end of winter
1. Make beeswax candles
Y’all, we just made these and it was so much fun! This beeswax candle making kit off of Amazon has everything you need and it is SO easy!
I recently learned about the toxic effects of fragrances in candles, so we’re opting for beeswax from here on out. Beeswax candles can be a little more expensive than regular candles, but I was pleasantly surprised with the quality and affordability of this kit! You can make a few different size candles to best fit your candle holders. If you decide to make candlesticks like we did, these candle holders are perfect for them!
The kit also comes with lavender, dried orange slices, cinnamon, lace and twine. This part was really fun for my girls. Happy candle making!
2. Board games
I’ve been looking for ways to incorporate board games into our days. My kids LOVE them, but we definitely don’t do them as often as they’d like. Sometimes we even pull these out at the dinner table. Everyone is (for the most part) sitting and eating, and it’s a great time to play a board game! And it gets us all laughing, which is always a goal for me 🙂
Here are some of our favorite games:
- Charades (age 4+)- you could make up your own, or you could get these cards. We love these charade cards because they have the words and pictures on them – so they’re perfect for the littles who aren’t reading yet.
- Monopoly Jr. (age 5+)- anything that involves pretend money is sure to be a winner in my house
- Chutes & Ladders (age 3+) –
- Candyland (age 3+)
- Guess Who (age 6+) – my girls are six and four and love this one! We play teams with them until they fully understand, then they can also play on their own.
- Connect Four (age 6+) – also fun for the toddler to play with on her own.
3. Baking
Some read that as “baking,” some read it as “making a mess.” Wherever you stand, remember that baking with kids will be messy, but it can also be something really fun to do as a family.
Our favorite things to bake are chocolate chip cookies and banana bread. If you’re opting for easy, save those old bananas and make some banana bread!
4. Build a fort
If you ask my kids, there is never a bad time to build a fort. Grab some chairs, a big blanket or a sheet and go put your fort making skills to the test.
Building a fort will usually lead to more fun family activities. Sometimes my kids turn the fort into a store. They grab all their belongings, set them up in the store, then sell them to family members. It’s a good time.
5. Craft it up!
You don’t have to get fancy! Kids can pretty much make anything if they have enough supplies. Sometimes I just put paper, glue, tape, pom poms and string in front of them and see what they can come up with. They may surprise you!
If you are looking for some more structured crafts, I recently created a monthly handicraft plan that includes a full supply list and instructions for four crafts. I’ll be publishing these once a month so you can do one craft each week with your kids. Click here to sign up for the monthly craft plan email!
Family activities don’t have to be planned
Sometimes we overcomplicate it, and think we need to plan every activity our family does. But some of my favorite memories include those “spur of the moment” activities.
If you just sit on the floor with your kids, they will come up with something. They are a lot better at having fun than we are, sometimes they just need the chance.
Have fun!
I hope these family activities help you get through the last bit of winter! Even though I am longing for Spring, I know we can make the most of these next few weeks. Have fun, friends!